We acknowledge that our business faces various risks and opportunities due to climate change. By upholding our commitment to ethical and sustainable operations, we strive to gain comprehensive knowledge about climate-related risks and opportunities. Our commitment also extends to integrating solutions for these issues into our business strategy and operations. Find details about our progress on climate-related risks and opportunities, along with upcoming plans as we proceed with the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) programme in our initial standalone TCFD report.

CGI IT UK Ltd supports the UK’s ambitious policy agenda to help achieve the goals set out by the Paris Agreement. To show leadership in this area, CGI IT UK Ltd, the legal operating entity of CGI Inc. (CGI) in the UK, has committed to a science-based emission reduction pathway of 1.5°C. CGI IT UK Ltd is engaging with our clients and suppliers to help guide them on their journeys to net zero; supporting communities to protect and restore our environment as well as empowering our employees (known as members) to understand and reduce our impact on the planet.

To strengthen the climate resilience of the technology sector and future proof our business model, CGI IT UK Ltd is taking a precautionary approach with regards to adopting measures to improve our climate governance, strategic planning and climate risk management to ensure that we, as an organisation, are well prepared for all eventualities that might arise from the impacts of climate change. We are therefore committed to implementing the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) which includes the use of scenario analysis in strategic planning and risk management. We wholeheartedly welcome the mission of the TCFD for organisations to disclose comprehensive information on how climate change will impact all aspects of operations.

At CGI IT UK Ltd, we believe that addressing climate change is important for creating long-term value and recognise that our key stakeholders expect us to act now to safeguard our future. We are proud to present the measures we have undertaken to ensure our organisation will be resilient against the impacts and capitalise upon the opportunities presented by climate change.

This report describes our existing practices under each of the TCFD’s four pillars as well as our plans for further integrating the TCFD recommendations into our governance, strategic planning, and risk management processes. This report is the result of many careful months of planning and brings to our audience a synopsis of how CGI IT UK Ltd specifically is preparing for the impacts of climate change.