CGI has been working with the Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Montreal (CCMM) to help guide businesses in implementing solutions that address the COVID-19 crisis. As part of CCMM’s virtual event series, CGI hosted an informational webinar addressing cybersecurity.

Loïc Pillant, one of CGI's Security Directors, presented the webinar titled, "How the COVID-19 crisis is affecting your company’s cybersecurity"to help make companies aware of the new threats they face and provide best practices and solutions to deal with them. The content was prepared in collaboration with CGI’s Canadian cybersecurity community.

Key themes addressed in this webinar include:

  • Threats evolution and new solutions: Cybercriminals are taking advantage of the current COVID-19 pandemic by exploiting people's fears and uncertainties. In this section, we dig deeper into three cyber threats (phishing, ransomware and malicious websites or apps) and provide tips and solutions to help prevent and identify them.
  • Remote working: Many organizations have asked their employees to work from home and the new virtual environment and social distancing restrictions bring new challenges. This section will cover key solutions for companies to overcome stakes and enable a safe working environment.
  • Remote collaboration tools: Video and web conferencing are the most popular technology investments to enable remote collaboration. While very practical, some rules need to be respected to guarantee cybersecurity. This section will discuss the risks and solutions to protect your organization.
  • Bolstering security: In this final section, we discuss the seven rules to help bolster cybersecurity and manage risks brought by COVID-19. 

Listen to the CCMM webinar here (French only)

For more questions about cybersecurity in Canada, please reach out to