As organizations look to resume operations safely amid the COVID-19 crisis, ensuring the safety of citizens, customers, employees and communities is paramount.

At CGI, we are committed to helping our clients navigate complex challenges by channeling innovation for practical use.

Our crowd simulation solution helps you accurately model the movement of people to support physical distancing requirements and minimize future business disruption.

Our data visualization models quickly and accurately identify pedestrian flows, bottlenecks and high-density ‘crowded areas,’ and simulate the impact of multiple scenarios from crowd management techniques to evacuations.

Simulating crowd behavior provides you with actionable insights to plan operations, assess risks, and implement measures, thus accelerating informed decision-making.

CGI’s crowd simulation solution can be used by public transport providers, airports, academic institutions, offices, retail establishments, and sporting and entertainment venues.

Start a conversation with our experts


Graham Hughes

Graham Hughes
Director, Consulting Services,
Public Sector

Jyothi Visweswaran

Jyothi Visweswaran
Vice-President, Consulting Services,