Founded 300 years ago, Twinings received its first Royal Warrant from Queen Victoria in 1837 and has supplied teas to every successive British monarch since.

The company helped bring tea to the masses through its campaign to cut taxes on tea in the 1700s, and ensured the continued flow of morale-boosting tea throughout the second world war.

Today, Twinings manufactures 8 billion teabags every year and since 2016, CGI has helped the company adapt to changing market trends to ensure the continued enjoyment of one of the UK’s most beloved beverages.

At the heart of operations

Twinings produces over 500 different tea varieties from three locations in Europe and the far east, with product lines constantly evolving to keep up with changing tastes for fruity infusions or chai lattes.

To stay ahead, a complex IT infrastructure needs to adapt to keep track of the many tonnes of raw materials that pass through the doors of Twinings’ factories every week and ensure that every stage of operations continues to run efficiently.

Maintaining over 31 different production systems for Twinings, CGI keeps production lines moving and ensures products continue to reach their final destinations.

CGI are the tech behind your cup of tea. CGI helps Twinings make and sell 8 billion tea bags every year. Refreshing to know!

Responsive service

With detailed knowledge of Twinings’ entire manufacturing process, CGI can respond rapidly to the changing needs of the business too.

If the company introduces a new process for tea blending, for example, CGI ensures that the changes are implemented across the IT solution suite. With such an integrated manufacturing process, a seemingly small change can have big repercussions if not managed correctly.

From the computers used to log incoming consignments, to the company’s HR, finance, packaging and distribution systems, CGI ensures all solutions are configured accurately so production lines can continue to run smoothly.

Key benefits

  • An extensive IT estate managed completely and reliably
  • Full access to a responsive and cost-effective support team
  • Experienced professionals on the ground who can manage change efficiently
  • Technological know-how on tap to help deliver business objectives


A strategic business partner

Twinings has recently extended the service CGI provides for a further two years, demonstrating the strength of the relationship. As part of this, CGI is set to play a more prominent role in supporting the strategic growth and direction of the business.

Attending meetings with Twinings’ business analysts, CGI will provide guidance on which technology will enable the company to better identify new markets, open up fresh supply chains and speed up manufacturing processes to get products to market more quickly.

By managing the complete IT estate behind Twinings’ production lines, and helping it meet its business objectives, CGI is playing its part in enabling one of the UK’s most seminal brands to keep moving forward.