Our Dream

To create an environment in which we enjoy working together and, as owners, contribute to building a company we can be proud of.

Our Vision

To be a global world class end-to-end IT and business consulting services leader helping our clients succeed.

Our Mission

To help our clients succeed through outstanding quality, competence and objectivity, providing thought leadership and delivering the best services and solutions to fully satisfy client objectives in information technology, business processes, and management. In all we do, we are guided by our Dream, living by our Values to foster trusted relationships and meet our commitments now and in the future.

Our Values

Partnership and quality
Objectivity and integrity

We exercise the highest degree of independent thinking in selecting the products, services and solutions we recommend to clients. In doing so, we adhere to the highest degree of quality, objectivity and integrity. We do not accept any remuneration from suppliers. We always act honestly and ethically. We never seek to gain undue advantages and we avoid conflicts of interest, whether real or perceived.

Intrapreneurship and sharing

Our collective success is based on our competence, commitment and enthusiasm. We promote a culture of innovation and initiative where we are empowered with a sense of ownership in supporting clients, thus ensuring our profitable growth. Through teamwork, sharing our know-how and expertise across our global operations, we bring the best of CGI to our clients. As members, we share in the value we create through equity ownership and profit participation.


In all we do, we are respectful of our fellow members, clients, business partners and competitors. As a global company, we recognize the richness that diversity brings to the company and welcome this diversity while embracing the overall CGI business culture.

Financial strength

We strive to deliver strong, consistent financial performance which sustains long term growth and benefits both members and shareholders. Financial strength enables us to continuously invest in our members' professional development, our services and our business solutions to the benefit of our clients. To this end, we manage our business to generate industry superior returns.

Corporate social responsibility

Our business model is designed to ensure that we are close to our clients and communities. As members, we embrace our responsibilities to contribute to the continuous improvement of the economic, social and environmental well-being of the communities in which we live and work.

The CGI Culture through the adherence of our Constitution

Our Constitution is the foundation of our Culture, expressed in words. To learn more—and to read a Word from Our Founder—visit the CGI Culture page. This document explains the rationale of our Constitution and how it is a reflection of our Culture. It aims to guide all CGI consultants and professionals, whom we call CGI Partners, in their day-to-day actions to live the Dream.

The world will continue to change. CGI will have to remain close to its clients and continue to evolve. Correspondingly, CGI Partners will have to continue to evolve our Constitution through the coming decades to support the continuous success of CGI and ensure its perenniality.

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