
We are all unique in our own way, we all live different experiences and face varying challenges, and we all have our own mental health story. Learn more about the resources CGI offers to its professionals to support their well-being and mental health from our MHC ambassador in Romania, Alexandru Geamanu.

How did you join CGI Mental Health Champions network at CGI?

I have heard about the formation of the Mental Health Champions network in 2021, through one of our internal newsletter, Oxygen, and immediately decided to apply for the role, as it seemed like a great fit with my educational background in Psychology. At that time, I was working as a QA Consultant in a project for a client in the public sector and was already providing the optimal solutions for their needs. Why not do the same for my colleagues? After candidates have been selected for each business unit, we went through a certification training with an external provider, focused on active listening, offering feedback, reading and interpreting emotions and officially kicked off the MHC network in early 2022.

What is the role of a Mental Health Ambassador?

A Mental Health Ambassador is committed to CGI's values and his role is to actively participate in the development of an organizational mental health culture. Essentially, our role is to identify the first signs of someone’s distress, talk to and listen to the professionals in need of assistance in a confidential environment and to later on direct them to the most appropriate resource for their needs, whether that is a specific department, learning and coaching resources or the MAP.

What does MAP mean?

MAP stands for the Member Assistance Program and is a global program that CGI provides to its professionals and their close family with culturally relevant counselling, educational information, and qualified referrals to support their work-life balance challenges.

Professionals have access to 24/7 short-term counselling, where personal or professional problems can be addressed in an environment of understanding and strict privacy. To deliver these services, CGI collaborates with external partners recognized as world leaders in their field.

How was Member Assistance Program perceived by CGI professionals in Romania?

CGI provides a wealth of resources for professionals that support good mental health and wellbeing. This is why we organize regular workshops about MAP and we are actively highlighting it during the induction sessions.

Usually, people are surprised that they have access to this kind of service and are rather eager to use it whenever I recommend it and once they find out the details about it. So far, it has been really pleasing to hear their feedback, that it has brought a positive change, whether some professionals have been able to clarify legal issues or have benefited from counseling sessions.

What would you advise to boost our mental health?

I always advise getting engaged in activities that are important to you, that match your interests, direct your focus and switch off your worries. In a post-pandemic workplace, I believe disconnection, boundaries and balance between our work and life carry a great importance as many issues can derive from problems which ‘leak’ from our office into our homes and the other way around.

Social connection also plays a big role in maintaining our mental well-being and helping emotional discharges, so talk to those close to you, let them know how you feel, regardless of good or bad, but also listen to those around you. And last, but not least, take good care of your body, stay active whenever you can, don’t cut back on sleeping a good night sleep or having substantial meals.