Evaluating exactly what a Managed Services Provider (MSP) can bring to your business is critical. To ensure you choose the right MSP, these eight features are essential to the success of your plans.

Asset #1: In-depth sector knowledge

Your MSP must know your industry inside out. The solutions developed must comply with regulations and be aligned with market best practices. This knowledge minimizes initial integration time. This keeps you one step ahead of your competitors. In addition, your MSP can help you bridge the talent gap by augmenting your workforce with a pool of qualified experts.

Asset #2: Proven technical expertise

Digital transformation requires in-depth technical understanding and the application of appropriate methodologies, cutting-edge technologies and industry best practices. The most successful MSPs provide seamless integration and development tools, enabling seamless collaboration, efficient code integration and swift roll-out of software updates.

Asset #3: The right delivery model

Your MSP should offer a balanced delivery model, combining the strengths of on-premises, nearshore and offshore teams with an appropriate mix of on-premises and cloud solutions. This balanced approach guarantees a diverse pool of talent, round-the-clock support and tailored, flexible, scalable solutions in a harmoniously integrated framework.

Asset #4: Proven operational excellence

You should expect rigor, transparency, and operational excellence from your MSP. Its commercial references reflect its commitment to joint agreements with its clients and its ability to quickly solve problems. It is important to establish transparent communication processes with clear objectives.

Asset #5: A result-oriented approach

Your MSP must provide you with a results-focused strategy which facilitates collaboration, innovation and ongoing progress. Ultimately, it leads to solutions for improving operational efficiency and reducing risk.

Asset #6: Proven and replicable solutions

The best MSPs rely on well-proven models and practices to deliver solutions in a timely and efficient manner. Consistent methodologies, tools and well-defined frameworks enable consistent, standardised approaches which ensure adaptability to growth and reliability.

Asset #7: Strong relationships with leading technology platform providers

In order to offer the best combination of solutions, services and skills to meet your needs, MSPs need to maintain a solid portfolio of platform providers. An MSP delivers expertise in recommending, implementing and managing technology platforms such as AWS, Google, Microsoft, Salesforce, UiPath and SAP. It therefore guarantees the right combination of solutions to ensure the resilience and growth of its clients.

Asset #8: A people-focused approach

Finding a partner who is fully aware of the challenges of a full or limited transfer of staff and understands the dynamics of existing teams is essential, particularly for medium-sized or mission-critical organisations (not-for-profit organisations, professional associations, etc.) learning about managed services for the first time. A staff-oriented approach, offering career perspectives, can go a long way to preserving team morale, easing the transition and minimising risk.