
Resource center

In today’s hypercompetitive manufacturing environment, optimizing and maintaining production processes to avoid disruptive slowdowns and costly downtime related to equipment failure is critical to competitiveness.

The role of predictive maintenance is rapidly growing as more manufacturing businesses implement artificial intelligence to tap into vast data volumes in real time and predict when equipment is likely to fail.

As forward-thinking manufacturers seek to enhance efficiency, streamline operations and drive down costs, artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly emerging as a game-changer. One notable area where AI is making waves is in logistics optimization, a crucial aspect of manufacturing supply...

In the race to transform and become future ready in today’s fast-changing digital economy, Canadian manufacturers say they are addressing an array of business priorities that are now at the top their agendas.

The BRP-CGI Mentorship & Knowledge Acceleration Center sets CGI apart from our competitors. The co-creation of this collaborative partnership with BRP yields capacity management oversight and succession planning, training and procedural documentation based on BRP processes and systems and above...

CGI’s experts collaborated with one of the largest dairy processors in the world on a strategic program to transform their cross-functional infrastructure services using modern digital-networking solutions. This included CGI’s Agile Squad specialists providing ‘boots on the ground’ support at...

Continuing on its journey to transform for a new era, one of Canada’s largest electrical utilities launched a n ambitious initiative to help optimize maintenance costs and efficiency while enhancing the employee experience and tool adoption during inspection work in...