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Jean-René Rousseau
Jean-René Rousseau

3R Blog Series: The value of an Agile mindset during crisis

2020-07-22 In this installment of our 3R blog series, we asked four of our Agile experts from across Canada to reflect on working with clients to quickly Respond, Rebound, and Reinvent their businesses and ways of working in times of crisis.

Lana Khoury, Vice President, Business Consulting
Philippe-Quentin REAL

Agilely adapting financial management practices to drive business continuity and growth

2020-06-10 With the COVID-19 pandemic, many organizations face drastic revenue losses resulting in budget cuts and restructuring. In addition to this immediate impact, other short- and long-term economic challenges are pressuring organizations to become agile and adapt their financial decision-making and...

Lana Khoury, Vice President, Business Consulting
Philippe-Quentin REAL

Agilely adapting financial management practices to drive business continuity and growth

2020-06-10 With the COVID-19 pandemic, many organizations face drastic revenue losses resulting in budget cuts and restructuring. In addition to this immediate impact, other short- and long-term economic challenges are pressuring organizations to become agile and adapt their financial decision-making and...

Andy Schmidt
Andy Schmidt

Adapting lending in a time of crisis to alleviate customer hardship and bank pressures

2020-06-01 The global impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the financial industry far exceeds anything we have seen in our lifetime. Record unemployment, voluminous requests for hardship support, and the likelihood that loan defaults will significantly increase. Along with higher net...