
Resource center

Responding to constituents’ questions regarding their health and safety is a top priority for government agencies around the world. Drawing upon a long-term partnership with the British Columbia Ministry of Health, CGI collaborated with Google and five provincial government agencies...

Following the COVID-19 outbreak, a Canadian province needed new digital services to help control the spread of the virus, protect citizens and assist affected businesses.

DynaLIFE is a major Canadian medical laboratory offering diagnostic testing services to Albertans. When its new COVID-19 test option for travelers caused a surge in contact center demand, CGI helped alleviate the burden with a conversational chatbot, or virtual agent.

The CGI team identified and implemented the solution within five days, working around the clock. The team spent the first two days assessing the client’s situation and its readiness for a cloud solution, as well as designing a proof of...

To adapt to the many impacts of COVID-19, organizations are rethinking how they do business. Many are rapidly adopting new business models, processes and technologies. As their operations evolve, a key concern is reducing the cost of IT infrastructure management...

CGI is working with a large Canadian public transportation agency to help plan how it responds, rebounds and reinvents through this crisis.

CGI is working with a large Canadian public transportation agency to help plan how it responds, rebounds and reinvents through this crisis.

CGI proposed an innovative remote work approach to help Kateri Hospital agilely overcome COVID-19 barriers. The approach involved a tool that facilitates remote design thinking collaboration, including brainstorming workshops and project checkpoints.

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, a leading provider of high-quality behavioral health services in the United States was providing onsite treatment at its numerous outpatient clinics, and delivering inpatient treatment at its hospitals. The provider specializes in mental illness, alcohol and...