Annually, CGI leaders around the world meet face-to-face with business and IT executives to gather their perspectives on the trends affecting their enterprises, including business and IT priorities, budgets and investment plans.

This infographic presents the insights and perspectives from our conversations with Canadian executives in the context of cybersecurity and privacy. In 2019, we met with 1,550 executives across 10 industries around the globe which includes 256 executives across Canada. Our experts analyze the findings from these conversations to provide a valuable global antenna that helps both CGI and our clients drive continuous practical innovation.


In 2019, it is perhaps a truism that cybersecurity breaches are on the rise and protecting organizations through cybersecurity is a board level discussion topic.

As per the Office of the Privacy Commissioner (OPC) of Canada, 680 data breaches have been reported to their office since November 2018, impacting 28 million Canadians. Since November 1, 2018, breach reporting became mandatory as per Canada’s federal private sector privacy law, the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA). 

The topic of cybersecurity is even more relevant in today’s context when organizations in Canada are increasingly becoming digital organizations. In fact, the top business priority across industries in 2019 is to become digital to meet customer and citizen expectations (88%). Our analysis revealed that cybersecurity not only is a top trend impacting organizations, but is also a top business and IT priority, reflecting the strong link between digital transformations and protecting the organization.


Cybersecurity is a top business and IT priority, reflecting the strong link between digital transformations and protecting the organization.

Cybersecurity in Canada - Key trends and priorities


Looking ahead to the next three years, 62% of organizations are planning to invest in cybersecurity and other security risks as a part of their innovation. About 75% of Financial Services and Government organizations are planning to do so.

With breaches on the rise, IT security policies play an instrumental role in data protection.  In 2019, 96% of executives we spoke with have a formal security policy in place, and 75% say the policy covers cloud based solutions. In addition, 44% have a Chief Data Protection Officer in place.

Cybersecurity in Canada - Key elements

Top cybersecurity elements executive respondents are pursuing include employee training and awareness (87%), identifying critical assets (80%), and testing and verifying response capabilities to a cyber-incident, such as penetration and phishing tests (78%). As per OPC1, roughly one in four of the incidents reported to them involved social engineering attacks such as phishing and impersonation. This further corroborates the need to make employees aware and train them.

Cybersecurity in Canada - Key trends and priorities

Key initiatives to address privacy and data protection laws are in updating products and services to encrypt data/remove sensitive information (63%). Another 56% are either changing policy and delegated authorities to govern and control data or are identifying and managing or consolidating disparate data sources that contain sensitive data.

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We invite you to learn more about the 2019 CGI Client Global Insights reports and how we help clients on their digital journey.