CGI is organizing an evening of knowledge sharing and networking with focus on developers and testers. This time we have two keynote sessions focused on AI! Bouke Nijhuis from Cinq IT will show the current state of AI coding assistants, and Henk Boelman from Microsoft will share their innovations in the field of AI and discuss how we can leverage AI for innovation. On top of that there will be a variety of breakout sessions to attend. We have a limited amount of spots, so make sure you register in time. The event is open to external visitors, take the opportunity to bring a friend or colleague from a client!


The battle of the AI coding assistants
Bouke Nijhuis, Cinq IT

So you are hearing more and more about AI coding assistants, but you do not know where to start? In this talk the biggest names in the AI coding space will go head to head. After a short introduction,
Bouke (or the AI? šŸ˜‰) will do several live coding sessions. All the assistants will get some time on stage. Furthermore, the pros and the cons of every tool will be discussed, but also the use of these tools in general. Bouke will give his opinion on when to use which AI coding assistant. Finally, he will provide a glimpse into the future of AI coding assistants. After attending this session you should be able to improve your productivity by using the right coding companion.

Unlocking the Potential of AI
Henk Boelman, Microsoft

Artificial intelligence is rapidly changing the world we live in, and Microsoft is at the forefront of this exciting revolution. Join us for a session where we'll explore the latest innovation from Microsoft on AI. Let's explore the latest technologies, including the latest advancements with Large Language Models from OpenAI. We'll also discuss the importance of developing AI in a way that benefits society as a whole. Don't miss this opportunity to learn and discover how you can leverage AI to drive innovation in your own organization.

Breakout sessions

Can nature solve problems computers cannot?
Yoshi van den Akker

As developers, our task is to solve problems using software. For computationally complex problems, we can often use an algorithm that another clever person already thought of. However, some problems are so hard that no efficient solution has been found (yet). In nature, we can also find examples of such complex problems. Think about how ant colonies aim to efficiently explore their surroundings and find the shortest path to a good food source, or how the evolutionary process ā€œoptimizesā€ the genes of creatures despite having a massive number of possibilities. This begs the question, can nature solve problems computers cannot?

During this talk, we will take a brief look at the domain of computational intelligence. After a brief theoretical introduction to a complex problem, we will explore how ant colony optimization and genetic algorithms may complete this task efficiently and what the tradeoffs are compared to the ā€œclassicalā€ solutions.

Software delivery hacks for fun and profit!
Roel Jonkman & Wesley Bosvelt

When delivering software in a project, there are many things that need to be done. Preferably not by hand. There are also many things that can go wrong. In this presentation, Roel and Wesley would like to empower the audience. They will do this, by quizzing them (using kahoot) on their current practices and then give recommendations based on the answers in real-time. In this way, together we will learn to solve technical AND organizational problems in the software delivery process. And how such a process can be used to guarantee quality, consistency, speed and security. Roel and Wesley will also tell how the CI/CD practice can help and how to get in touch. Both beginners and experts will get something out of this.

The Art of Debugging: How to analyze a difficult problem
Mats Donselaar

As developers we do a lot of writing. We write code, tests, documentation, emails, and so on. But what if something goes horribly wrong and we suddenly have to start reading?

In this presentation, Mats explains how to approach analyzing an application in search of conclusive answers. Using problems he has analyzed in the past as examples, Mats will show how the process of forming a hypothesis, gathering information, testing a hypothesis, and then reevaluating, eventually leads to conclusions and solutions.

The goal of the presentation is to provide the audience with guidelines on how to approach a difficult problem. There is often a lot of information to process, and knowing where to start and how to focus should help you to better deal with the next time something unexpected occurs in your application.

How to run a large and diverse regression test in parallel on multiple servers
Pieter Wesseling

In this presentation Pieter discusses the transformation of grid operators' systems in the Netherlands through the implementation of C-ARM, a centralized energy data management application. To meet the demand for automated testing, over 1000 Robot Framework regression test cases were created initially, which posed challenges in terms of maintenance and scalability. This prompted the development of the ART run software, a Python program that efficiently executes parallel and non-parallel test jobs, improving maintainability and ease of test execution. The presentation also highlights the transition from exporting test results as CSV files to using the Robot Framework library Testarchiver, which stores results in a database linked to a Grafana dashboard. The introduction of the ART Queue solution further enables dynamic test job submissions, enhancing accessibility for other project testers. As a result, the ART Queue software now operates 24/7, ensuring continuous and efficient testing capabilities.

Zen and the art of Data Warehouse testing
Hemmo van der Laan

Data warehouse testing is a specific kind of testing, due to this test analysts arenā€™t usually familiar with the challenges and solutions of Data warehouse testing. Hemmo will try to change this by sharing what Data warehouse testing is. He will cover the following topics, ways of testing, data setup strategies, and automation of data warehouse testing.

Testing and AI
Han Duisterwinkel

Han has recently gotten involved in the topic of testing and AI, trying out and investigating things such as using AI tools as support during/for testing. Han will share his findings and thoughts about his experience, and together with the audience want to explore the possibilities potential, and pitfalls of these new tools.

Registration form

Which 2 breakout sessions would you like to attend (selection is not final)
Only 2 breakout sessions can be selected.
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