Meet our experts at StandĀ 7.2.A95

Come talk to us about:

  • Keeping pace with digital transformation
  • Accelerating and digitalizing your energy transition journey
  • Achieving sustainability goals
  • Orchestrating and regulating distributed energy resources
  • Maximizing efficiency with artificial intelligence and advanced automation

No matter where you are on your digital transformation journey, CGI offers proven energy solutions and extensive domain expertise to help you realize your energy transition goals.Ā 

People networking at an event
two engineers walk alongside wind turbines in a field

Your digital partner for the energy transition

The shift towards net-zero greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) by 2050 is one of the most complex challenges facing our generation, and the energy sector is at the forefront of this transition.Ā Because we serve the entire value chain, weā€™re uniquely positioned to focus on your end-to-end needs, providing industry-focused consulting, systems integration and managed services. Ā 

Whether optimizing renewable assets, integrating energy platform for metering and power network management, modernizing grids, advancing green hydrogen capabilities or fulfilling ESG requirements, we offer proven frameworks and best-fit technology to help accelerate your transformation and optimize performance.

Our energy and utilities experts can help you navigate through changing market dynamics and transform business models, systems and processes to meet current and future requirements.

Learn more