CGI’s Rondo Procure-to-Pay solution manages all purchase invoices for Hesburger's 370 separate companies, operating in 5 different countries.

"We wanted to make financial administration faster and more efficient,” said Henrik Kiviluoto, Controller at Salmela Companies Oy, which is responsible for managing the purchase invoice life cycle for Hesburger Group's restaurants. “In practice, this means more automated operations that reduce manual work. Rondo Procure-to-Pay proved to be the leading solution on the market.”

"We have a huge number of Rondo users,” he added. “It is characteristic of the industry that when restaurant managers who review invoices take a vacation or switch restaurants, they must always have a delegate. Keeping up with delegate access rights was laborious before the current system,” said Henrik. “Rondo Procure-to-Pay simplifies the process.” 

One user interface shared by everyone

It is also a significant benefit, according to Henrik, that Rondo’s browser-based user interface is the same for everyone, whether they are located at one of the company’s various restaurants or at its Turku headquarters.

"Although the restaurants are separate companies, we handle their financial administration centrally,” he said. “The invoice volumes are huge, and there are around 40 power users of the system at the headquarters.”

Digitization of paper invoices

In the restaurant industry, many suppliers that are small entrepreneurs have not yet adopted electronic invoicing. For a restaurant the size of Hesburger, this means a large amount of manual scanning. However, there is a desire for more automation.

"Many companies require e-invoicing from their suppliers,” said Henrik. “We adopted e-invoices at an early stage, but we have not demanded it from our suppliers," he added. "We are currently in the process of deploying an additional feature that automatically directs invoices sent as e-mail attachments to Rondo. As it is, we are developing the overall system with CGI in a good spirit of cooperation. At our joint meetings, we also discuss our development proposals.”

Rondo proves to be the market's leading solution

In 2014, Salmela Companies Oy investigated alternatives on the market. Scalability was one of its key criteria, as it plans to continue to expand both domestically and globally. It is important that Hesburger is able to include new restaurants in the system without any assistance from the supplier.

"As a result of this comprehensive comparison, we ended up updating to the latest version of Rondo,” said Henrik.

Rondo procure-to-pay benefits

  • Centralized and streamlined processes
  • Easily adaptable to different environments and invoicing processes
  • Compliance with data security requirements and complete audit trail
  • Versatile invoice management and monitoring
  • Numerous automated functions to reduce manual work