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CGI announced that it has signed the European Union’s (EU) Artificial Intelligence (AI) Act Pledge as part of its engagement with the European Commission’s AI Pact.

CGI (TSX: GIB.A) (NYSE: GIB), one of the world’s largest business and IT consulting firms, has been named a Major Player in the IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Professional Services Providers for Retailers 2024 Vendor Assessment*. “CGI stands out with its culture...

Pour répondre aux nouveaux besoins des organisations et les aider à devenir des "Digital Leaders", les fournisseurs de services managés (Managed Services Providers) ont élargi leur offre de services se réorientant pour identifier les projets avec un retour sur investissement...

We are committed to maintaining levels of protection of Personal Data aligned to best practices in the industry which, as a minimum, comply with the requirements of the Applicable Data Protection Legislation and CGI’s contractual obligations.

CGI (NYSE: GIB) (TSX: GIB.A), un lider global în domeniul serviciilor IT end-to-end, anunță că va recruta 5 ,000 de persoane în Europa de Vest și de Sud, dintre care 150 în România cu contracte de muncă pe perioadă nedeterminată...