
Resource center

To support the reopening of economies and society, governments in many countries gradually are lifting restrictions imposed during the first phase of the pandemic crisis. As business owners prepare to restart or launch operations, they must navigate a new “business...

CGI ako globálny poskytovateľ koncových IT riešení v spolupráci s Bureau Veritas, celosvetovým lídrom v oblasti certifikácií, inšpekcií a testovania, lokálne spojili svoje sily v pandemickej kríze a prichádzajú v Českej republike s okamžitou a užitočnou pomocou lokálnym prevádzkarom v...

CGI Česká republika a CGI Slovensko pomáha zdravotníkom a záchranným zložkám v boji proti COVID-19, pretože nám situácia nie je ľahostajná. Uvedomujeme si, že to títo kľúčoví ľudia sú nasadení v prvej línii a často pracujú nadčasy iba preto, aby...

For nearly two months, French consumers have been confined, and retailers have become their sole means of obtaining supplies during this time. Faced with an unprecedented challenge, Carrefour—a leading global retailer—had to respond quickly by securing their supply chains, ensuring...

New virtual reality has increased vulnerability to threat actors. To respond to these heightened cybersecurity risks, CGI’s security experts are uniting by volunteering their expertise and time to better protect people, businesses and communities against cyber threats.

CGI developed the STEM@CGI At Home program that offers fun STEM-based activity packs for children to do at home.These resources cover subjects ranging from coding, to environmental sustainability, to robotics that can be learnt through interesting hands-on tasks like building...

Keď sa pandémia Covid – 19 rýchlo rozšírila po celom svete v prvých mesiacoch roku 2020, montrealská klinika Heart Institute (MHI) zahájila vlastnú veľkú klinickú štúdiu, aby otestovala potenciálny liek na túto chorobu. Štúdia s názvom COLCORONA bola zahájená z...