Welcome to the Women in Tech Career Lab

Leslie McKay, CGI’s Senior Vice-President and Chief Information Officer, joined by Sonia Pecora, our Director responsible for talent acquisition in Canada, discussed about their professional journey in the tech industry, offering insights and inspiration to women looking to advance in this dynamic field. This session was an an excellent opportunity to connect, learn, and engage in meaningful discussions about the future of women in technology.

Building & elevating your personal brand

Unlock the power of personal branding. Discover key strategies for building a strong online presence and effective networking techniques that encourage genuine relationships. Embrace your authentic self, amplify your voice, and increase your visibility. This workshop will equip you to confidently engage in both digital and face-to-face professional settings.


How women can take their place in tech

It's never too late to take your place in the tech industry. Join us for this dynamic workshop where our speakers will share their personal career journeys and tips on navigating career disruptions. Discover the importance of continuous learning in your career and how we, women in tech, can pave the way for each other.


Impactful allyship: Navigating and empowering change together

How can a leader exercise their power to fully advocate for women in tech? In this session, our leader Bryan Waldeva discusses the true meaning of impactful and meaningful allyship. Watch this webinar for an insightful session on becoming a loud and proud advocate for women in tech!

Seizing opportunities: Mapping your career success

Dive into our transformative workshop designed to empower your career journey. We'll tackle the common pitfall of self-doubt at the application stage, offering strategies to step forward confidently. We'll guide you in articulating your unique value, mastering the art of self-advocacy, and honing your negotiation skills. Watch this webinar to unlock how to seize your ideal opportunities.

The power of mentorship & sponsorship

Unlock the potential of mentorship in the tech industry—explore the myriad benefits, learn the art of finding and approaching mentors, master the skills to build and sustain meaningful mentor-mentee relationships, and gain insights from a panel of successful tech professionals sharing their invaluable mentorship experiences.

Leading women in AI

As the AI revolution continues to shape our digital landscape, it's crucial to explore its profound impact on ethical considerations and the incredible avenues it opens up for women in tech. Watch this webinar for an illuminating session with our AI expert, Behnoosh Saboonchi.

How to ROCK your job application

Learn practical strategies and tips to rock your job application and showcase your best professional assets. This workshop is all about making the job search and application process less daunting and more exciting. Discover tips to be successful and avoid common mistakes. An interview is an opportunity...Take it.

Building networking wealth

Networks are our networth is an expression we continously hear over time. Building a resourceful network can be difficult to start but valuable to maintain. Watch this webinar with Mary Wittman, to learn how to build and maintain impactful networks in IT.