With Industry 5.0 imminent, customers, investors, governments and regulators are asking manufacturers to go beyond using technology solely for profit to using its power to become responsible leaders of the future. This shift requires putting people and the environment back into the equation and ensuring that man and machine work together to support a digital, green future.

A future that offers:

  • Higher worker value, innovation and satisfaction

  • Hyper-personalization and highly customizable offerings

  • Sustainable manufacturing practices

  • Collaborative digital ecosystems

  • Agile, responsive and resilient production

At CGI, we believe a digital factory is core to realizing this future.

Designed with business objectives top of mind, a digital factory must deliver concrete outcomes and unlocks tangible benefits across the shop floor.
Through the 5 core buildings blocks of the unified manufacturing we will support our vision with returns of experience and case studies 

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