IBOR, integrated management of public space, connects all the dynamic objects in public space. IBOR gives you control over the objects in the public space such as street lighting, bridges, road barriers and traffic lights, into a single platform.

Key benefits

  • Increased safety and mobility in public space
  • The total public space is available in one geographical interface, managed by one service
  • Comprehensive presentation capabilities, ranging from control room to smartphone
  • Save on energy consumption
  • Reduced CO2 emissions

Room for innovation

IBOR brings modern concepts such as smart cities closer to reality. Municipalities, provinces, (air) ports, harbors and large industries can work at the level to be sustainable , integrated with other current topics like security and mobility.

Internet of Things

The Internet of Things is ushering in a new era of connectivity and mobility, transforming business and daily life. With IoT, everyday objects become "smart" assets seamlessly integrated across a global network and capable of generating and exchanging valuable data without human intervention.

IoT is driving innovations, such as smart metering, car telematics, remote health monitoring, mobile workforces and more. We help organizations across industries improve their processes, introduce new products and services, better respond to consumer and constituent demands, increase compliance, strengthen security and drive cost savings.

CGI’s IoT offerings include the following:

  • IoT consulting – to help clients identify and pursue opportunities for realizing the full value of the Internet of Things
  • IoT business enablement – to develop end-to-end IoT services using a standard cloud-based platform for collecting data and development of applications based on modular building blocks
  • IoT business solutions – to provide innovative, off-the-shelf, end-to-end solutions in business areas such as smart cities, smart utilities, electric vehicle charging and journey planning
  • M2M connectivity platforms for telecom providers – to help telecom clients implement their own high-performance M2M platforms, drawing upon our experience in designing and building leading M2M platforms