Brussels, Belgium, October 21, 2019

CGI Belgium is proud to be part of Flexity, one of the leading Use Cases within the IO.Energy Ecosystem1 and is a collaboration of several well-known players in the energy market (ENGIE, Fluvius, CGI and Elia) strengthened with some promising start-ups that offer new groundbreaking digital services (Jedlix, TIKO, Voltalis) to the end-consumer.


The energy landscape is fundamentally transforming.

The increasing development of renewable energy, decentralized production and the electrification of energy consumption, such as electric cars and heat pumps, are a big challenge for the overall system and its players. With the energy transition and the digitalization of the sector underway, consumers are calling for energy services that deliver more value and comfort.

This consumer wants and will be led to play an increasingly active role in the functioning of the electrical system.

Flexity aims to investigate the flexibility potential on the household level and test how it can be operated and valorized in the market.



Flexity unites a key energy and flexibility provider in the Belgian market (ENGIE) with three service providers: tiko, Voltalis and Jedlix. In doing so, Flexity capitalizes on the expertise and knowledge of each of those parties to test whether households are technically capable to deliver flexibility to the market.

Flexity further brings together CGI, Fluvius and Elia to test whether data collected centrally from a commercial third party (collected per individual asset through a private device) can be used for settlement purposes.

Reliability and authenticity of this data will be cross-checked with high granular data of the digital meter.

Flexity anticipates on the expected roll-out of the meter and will investigate how this meter can be used in an intelligent way to verify data received from private devices on asset-level.


About IO.Energy

The IO.Energy Ecosystem is built to facilitate the development of new energy services by market parties to drive the power system towards consumer centricity. The IO.E Ecosystem is an open innovation ecosystem to share knowledge and boost innovation in the energy world and to build new energy applications and new digital tools for consumers. The ecosystem is facilitated by system operators for market parties, CGI is one of the participating members of the ecosystem.  

Find out more by visiting our joint webpage on, updates will follow soon on the IO.Energy Ecosystem LinkedIn page.