
Resource center

CGI proposed an innovative remote work approach to help Kateri Hospital agilely overcome COVID-19 barriers. The approach involved a tool that facilitates remote design thinking collaboration, including brainstorming workshops and project checkpoints.

Providing affordable and accessible health screenings and education to communities across Colorado is key to 9Health’s mission, and the main source of its revenue. Although it traditionally provided these services at community health fairs across Colorado, the company sought to...

Tyto tři pilíře vám pomohou při řešení obchodních výzev, poznamenaných dopadem protipandemických opatření (ČLÁNEK ANGLICKY)

Since the COVID-19 outbreak, hospitals, clinics and first responders have been dealing with rapidly increasing patient volumes—a situation exacerbated by a critical shortage of medical devices, drugs, protective personal equipment (PPE) and personnel. As the pandemic continues to spread, it...

Když se pandemie Covid-19 rychle rozšířila po celém světě v prvních měsících roku 2020, montrealská klinika Heart Institute (MHI) zahájila vlastní velkou klinickou studii, aby otestovala potenciální lék na tuto nemoc. Studie s názvem COLCORONA byla zahájena za podpory quebecké...