Rodney Akueson is a business consultant specializing in transportation and sustainable mobility in CGI’s France operations. Rodney finds his passion for innovation and sustainability mirrored in the work CGI does for clients around the world. He enjoys working on projects...
Yohance Barrett is a director within CGI’s U.S. operations, serving as a project manager supporting state and local government clients. As a “people person,” Yohance enjoys building relationships, be it with clients, colleagues or in his community. He finds inspiration...
Sonya Balasubramanyam is a member of CGI’s corporate services group, working as a writer and editor within the marketing and communications department. Based in Bangalore, India, her role enables her to collaborate with colleagues in many countries. A passionate advocate...
Roxane Leib is a health and well-being consultant who leads disability inclusion-related projects in CGI’s France operations. Since joining CGI, Roxane has discovered a passion for health, well-being, diversity and inclusion and is pursuing a career in these fields. Outside...
BCRs are a legally binding mechanism allowing any CGI entity to transfer personal data of European Union residents to any other CGI entities outside the European Economic Area.
Společnost CGI získala platinový certifikát od nezávislé agentury EcoVadis, a zařadila se tak mezi 1 % světových společností v oblasti udržitelného rozvoje. V ratingu hodnocení si CGI oproti předchozím letem polepšila o 10 percentilů a získala 78 ze 100.
We are committed to maintaining levels of protection of Personal Data aligned to best practices in the industry which, as a minimum, comply with the requirements of the Applicable Data Protection Legislation and CGI’s contractual obligations.
BCRs are a legally binding mechanism allowing any CGI entity to transfer personal data of European Union residents to any other CGI entities outside the European Economic Area.
Letos si připomínáme 45. výročí založení společnosti CGI. S ohledem na tento důležitý milník bychom vám chtěli poděkovat za vaši důvěru a za to, že nám umožňujete podporovat vaši společnost a vaše podnikání v oblasti IT.