Mrinal Deshpande

Manager Consulting Delivery & COVID Warrior

CGI is committed to ensuring the health and wellbeing of its people. During the pandemic, we received holistic care options in various ways – be it in the form of medical consultation and oxygen concentrators, or an opportunity to be part of an internal support group called the COVID Warriors.

My journey as a COVID Warrior began in 2021 when I was called to help my colleagues. I was nervous and excited at the same time, having no idea of what I could expect. On my first day as a volunteer, I received two requests - one for a member’s seven-year old son who had tested positive and quarantined, while the other was for an oxygen cylinder for a colleague’s father.

It was quite concerning to me that the little boy was in quarantine as it meant that there was no suitable care available to him. When I reached out to the parents, I realized that they were understandably confused, frustrated and unsure about what to do. Here is where I spent time taking them through the care options available to them and how they could help their son. I continued to remain in contact with the family until he fully recovered.

The request for the oxygen tank was a lot more complicated to deal with. Although I tried reaching out to as many sources as possible, I was met with disappointment each time. Finally, after three days of tireless work, I was able to organize the oxygen cylinder for the member. This was a huge victory for me and nothing could stop me from there.

The journey continued with requirements for multiple requests for resources and supplies. I used my network, including friends and family, the internet, etc. to get information from the local areas of Madurai, Kota, Chittoor and even the remotest parts of Bihar.

During the journey, I got the opportunity to interact with other COVID Warriors. My journey as a volunteer taught me many new lessons. It’s been a journey of challenges, hope, satisfaction and above all gratitude!

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Life at CGI

Life at CGI is a different experience for each CGI member. Some of them tell their stories in this dedicated blog.