Resource center

Being a CGI Partner is the expression of our ownership culture. We are called CGI Partners because we are company owners and embody partnership behaviors.

CGI, in association with Access Livelihoods, has launched the Women Entrepreneurship Program (WEP), that aims to provide digital and financial literacy to women from the marginalized sections of our society. The program empowers women entrepreneurs to establish and run their...

As consumers are becoming more conscious of the food they eat, there has been a shift in the way farmers produce food in their agricultural fields. In the deep interior regions of the country, rural farmers require support in modern...

CGI member Rekha Vijayaraman shares her experience of LGBTQIA+ support at CGI.

CGI member Mithraa Srinivasan shares how Unnati transformed her professional and personal perspectives and empowered her to break the stereotypes.

CGI member Ramya Gowda shares her story of joining CGI through our Career Relaunch (CaRe) program for women IT professionals.

Water scarcity has impacted several farmers in India, forcing them to migrate to cities to make a living. The Kolar district, near Bangalore in Karnataka is one such region that has been experiencing drought for many years leading farmers to...

Our commitment to supporting the communities where we live and work is a fundamental part of the CGI culture. Through such initiatives, not only do we strengthen this commitment but also provide opportunities for our professionals to have meaningful experiences...

CGI has provided resources to help students at the St. Louis Institute for the Deaf and the Blind prepare for their future.