Sandhya Tallapanneni

Manager Consulting Expert & CSR Volunteer

Being part of CGI’s CSR initiatives has given me the platform to contribute and make a difference in the community. I have had the opportunity to contribute as a volunteer, a CSR Champion, and lead various events. The events that I have participated in have been of varying themes from environmental sustainability to mentoring/ teaching, where CGI’s initiatives aim to provide improved access to quality education for underrepresented groups.

One such event was called "Speak Out", a program in association with one of CGI’s CSR partners, to mentor and teach English as a language to college students. It was a month-long program that maps a student from a financially lean background with a CGI Volunteer. When I met my mentee, I felt immensely proud and elated to have been associated with a wonderful and bright girl. During our sessions, I noticed her determination, desire to learn, grow, and her perseverance to succeed. This motivated me even further though I had to manage my personal and professional responsibilities along with being a volunteer.

Although it was over after a month, we developed a bond and I continue to remain in touch with my mentee even today. It is quite heartwarming when someone looks up to you as a role model at the same time, it is quite a responsibility to uphold that position.

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