Nurija Galikova

Nurija Galikova

Consultant, CGI Lithuania

Industrial companies in the Fourth Industrial Revolution that implement advanced automation and apply IT in their operations significantly increase the efficiency of production processes, reduce costs, optimize resources, and generate higher profits. The most important technologies are the Internet of Things (IoT) using smart devices and metering networks, processing and analysis of big data, and cloud computing.

During the Industry 4.0 conference in 2020, industry experts and leaders reviewed the challenges of companies in the industrial sector and shared innovative IT and business development solutions.

CGI experts, clients (including Orlen, one of the largest Polish companies) and partners also shared solutions and insights.

Our experts presented the case study, “Becoming advanced in predictive maintenance methods”, which talked about the transformation of industrial enterprises from non-automated to advanced and predictable processes, and our client’s success story in using the IFS asset management system.

About this author

Nurija Galikova

Nurija Galikova

Consultant, CGI Lithuania

CGI consultant with 10 years of experience. At CGI, she works as a senior project analyst in Enterprise Asset Management unit. She has excellent skills in technical design engineering and is an experienced project manager. She has worked on many projects for manufacturing and energy ...