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Craig Wallace - Vice-President, Strategic Offerings and Partnerships

Reinforcing business agility gains to fuel resilience

November 2, 2021 From our interviews with executives in the 2021 CGI Voice of Our Clients, we see that digital leaders are more aligned, collaborative and innovative. They also are better at leveraging their ecosystem of partners and are more agile in implementing...

DynaLIFE is a major Canadian medical laboratory offering diagnostic testing services to Albertans. When its new COVID-19 test option for travelers caused a surge in contact center demand, CGI helped alleviate the burden with a conversational chatbot, or virtual agent.

A new CGI solution in Finland uses robotic desktop automation (RDA) and robotic process automation (RPA) to make it faster to enter COVID-19 vaccination data and transfer it to the healthcare information system (HIS).

Annette Trenz

Listening to the Voice of Our Clients: Accelerating investments and strategies to drive the future of manufacturing

March 22, 2021 A few months ago, I shared with you a fundamental dilemma manufacturers are facing as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic: “Should I continue to focus on short-term measures to drive efficiency and reduce costs, or on building resilience into...

CGI is working with a large Canadian public transportation agency to help plan how it responds, rebounds and reinvents through this crisis.

This video describes briefly how CGI can help you accurately model the movement of people using crowd simulation to support physical distancing requirements and minimize future business disruption.

For nearly two months, French consumers have been confined, and retailers have become their sole means of obtaining supplies during this time. Faced with an unprecedented challenge, Carrefour—a leading global retailer—had to respond quickly by securing their supply chains, ensuring...