We are committed to maintaining levels of protection of Personal Data aligned to best practices in the industry which, as a minimum, comply with the requirements of the Applicable Data Protection Legislation and CGI’s contractual obligations.
We are committed to maintaining levels of protection of Personal Data aligned to best practices in the industry which, as a minimum, comply with the requirements of the Applicable Data Protection Legislation and CGI’s contractual obligations.
Suksess handler ikke om hvor du går eller hvordan du kommer dit, det handler om hvem du jobber sammen med. Det er derfor vi er her: for å være en pålitelig, innsiktsfull og resurssterk partner. Vi er her for å...
Kjære kunder og partnere For et par uker siden beskrev vi vårt engasjement for å levere våre tjenester som vanlig gjennom disse tidene. Gjennom tett samarbeid med deg og ditt team opplever vi deres evne og vilje til å møte...
Dear Valued Clients, A few weeks ago, we shared a message about our commitment to provide service continuity in these challenging times. Through collaborating with you and your teams, every day we experience your tremendous resolve to meet the needs...
Committed to provide service continuity in a safe and flexible way during challenging times. Dear clients, Certainly, the most recent weeks have presented us all with unprecedented challenges. We speak for all of our 76,000 professionals and consultants when we...