Cloud and hybrid IT

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Greger Wikstand
Greger Wikstand

How to overcome obstacles in your digitization

2021-11-05 Digitization has the potential to dramatically disrupt companies, organizations, and the way we live and work. As a result, many organizations strongly focus on digitization to develop new business models and sharpen their competitive advantages. However, for many companies, digitalization...

Profile picture Naveen Kannur
Naveen Kannur

Get the best and most out of containers with CGI CPaaS

2021-10-26 Most enterprises are going through some type of digital transformation, to increases their competitiveness or to offer new products and services. It does not matter how ambitious or well-planned the initiatives are. Sooner or later, you might get into potential...

Profile picture Mikael Tallberg
Mikael Tallberg

Don’t let the cloud become a tug of war between IT and business

2021-09-20 Access to new cloud-based services makes it easy for many organizations to grasp new IT solutions quickly without involving the IT department. This can jeopardize the security of the organization. I have several good examples of when a Cloud Center...

Greger Wikstand
Greger Wikstand

Don’t get side-tracked on your cloud course

2021-08-19 Cloud services give businesses great benefits, such as flexibility, scalability, speed, standardization, and efficiency. Factually this is true, but precisely these benefits also mean that many businesses take on cloud services far too easily. Today, most companies have a variety...

Profilbilde Jens-Christian Volhøj
Jens Christian Volhøj

Transforming to cloud? A solid groundwork is the key to success

2021-08-19 The cloud is everywhere. Every business and organization is either in it, moving to it or considering how to get to it. With the ongoing push for digital transformation, many businesses and organizations see the cloud as a gateway to...

Profilbilde Jens-Christian Volhøj
Jens Christian Volhøj

Schrems II, not a sequel to Shrek, but another monster lurking in the swamp

2021-06-04 The general cineaste might get excited when hearing the name Schrems II. Is this a movie about another big green ogre? Or a sequel about a new super-hero? Well, I think Schrems II might have a chance of outnumbering Rocky...

Profilbilde Jens-Christian Volhøj
Jens Christian Volhøj

Schrems II - how to make the necessary assessments and protections

2021-06-04 In a previous post I gave an overview of the impact of the new Schrems II ruling, by the Court of Justice of the European Union. What makes Schrems II so important for organizations mainly boils down to growing use...

Greger Wikstrand, Chief Architect Scandinavia
Greger Wikstrand

Do you have a cloud EXIT strategy?

2021-05-27 Very few things in life will last forever. This more or less universal truth also applies to your relationships with cloud providers. Regardless of the nature and size of your business, chances are that you are already using at least...

Terje Fladseth
Terje Fladseth

Hybrid cloud krever tilpasset IT-organisasjon

2021-04-16 De siste årene har skytjenester blitt en integrert del av mange virksomheters IT-systemer. Gjennom skytjenester kan de oppnå den skalérbarheten og kostnadseffektiviteten som kreves for å gjennomføre nødvendig digitalisering. Likevel lurer mange bedriftsledere på om de kan begynne å dra...