Serge Godin, zakladateľ a predseda predstavenstva Spoločnosť CGI bola založená v júni roku 1976 v kanadskom Québec City. Vtedy sme si ja a môj kolega André Imbeau ako mladí poradcovia v odbore podnikania a súčasne aj v odbore informačných technológií...
BCRs are a legally binding mechanism allowing any CGI entity to transfer personal data of European Union residents to any other CGI entities outside the European Economic Area.
We are committed to maintaining levels of protection of Personal Data aligned to best practices in the industry which, as a minimum, comply with the requirements of the Applicable Data Protection Legislation and CGI’s contractual obligations.
BCRs are a legally binding mechanism allowing any CGI entity to transfer personal data of European Union residents to any other CGI entities outside the European Economic Area.