Serge Godin, zakladateľ a predseda predstavenstva Spoločnosť CGI bola založená v júni roku 1976 v kanadskom Québec City. Vtedy sme si ja a môj kolega André Imbeau ako mladí poradcovia v odbore podnikania a súčasne aj v odbore informačných technológií...
Accurately analyze business volumes and workforce requirements with tactical resource planning, job scheduling, workflow management, and mobile functionality for intelligent scheduling recommendations based on key organizational metrics.
CGI OpenGrid360 is an innovative suite of solutions and services designed to improve your data insight and accelerate innovation to meet the evolving demands of the new energy system. It supports the complete network value chain from asset to outage...
CGI OpenGrid Energy Control correlates and filters massive volumes of data generated by edge devices and offers control capabilities to support efficient network operations, microgeneration, electric vehicle (EV) charging and grid balancing. The solution leverages edge devices to assist energy...
Sm@rtering Grid Control acts as middleware that integrates the AMI network and power grid with business processes to implement a truly smart grid.
Learn about the payments experience, expertise and solutions CGI offers to help you evolve your payments business for future success.
A world of opportunity awaits for financial institutions to drive competitive advantage from payments growth and enable the introduction of innovative services for customers by modernizing their payments processing infrastructures.