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To support re-opening of the hospitality industry in Germany, CGI partnered with Hospitality Digital, a business unit of global wholesale and retail food specialist Metro AG, to develop a solution that enables restaurants to provide health officials with greater access...

For nearly two months, French consumers have been confined, and retailers have become their sole means of obtaining supplies during this time.

To support the reopening of economies and society, governments in many countries gradually are lifting restrictions imposed during the first phase of the pandemic crisis. As business owners prepare to restart or launch operations, they must navigate a new “business...

In response to the economic hardships faced by Canadian citizens and businesses because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Minister of Finance contacted the heads of Canada’s largest banks to encourage flexibility in helping customers meet their financial obligations. At the...

Since the COVID-19 outbreak, hospitals, clinics and first responders have been dealing with rapidly increasing patient volumes—a situation exacerbated by a critical shortage of medical devices, drugs, protective personal equipment (PPE) and personnel. As the pandemic continues to spread, it...