Accelerating digitization to become more agile and meet customer expectations in retail

The impetus to improve the customer experience across channels to meet rapidly evolving customer behavior is accelerating. For retailers, this means pivoting to an agile, customer-centric, and data-driven enterprise, faster.

At CGI, we understand the challenges retail organizations across food, luxury, health & beauty, fashion, furnishing, home improvement, and e-commerce face in achieving this. We also understand that within these challenges lies a tremendous opportunity to reshape your future.

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industry experts across the globe
of the world’s top luxury goods brands partner with us


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Our full-service offerings for the retail and consumer services industries is underpinned by a large portfolio of CGI-developed solutions. These software applications, reusable frameworks and delivery methods represent years of investment in capturing our industry and technology expertise. Read more about our solutions.

Actionable data to improve the customer experience and enhance competitiveness


retail global retail

By collecting information from important data sources and linking them together, retail and consumer services companies can use the resulting insights to improve customer experience, create and personalize products and services, and become more competitive.

Rising expectations for a seamless customer experience


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Customer expectations for personal, real-time and seamless customer experiences are potentially making existing customer engagement strategies more fragile. Yet, they are also creating opportunities to drive competitive differentiation and strengthen loyalty.

CGI's Global Retail and Consumer Services Center of Excellence


Centre d'excellence Lille

Located in Lille, France, our world-class Center of Excellence (CoE) incorporates the latest retail technologies and solutions to help our clients look into their future and identify the type of differentiated experiences they can provide to their end-customers.

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