We met with 16 space executives to understand their top priorities and how they are preparing for and adapting to key trends shaping their organizations. This year, executives are prioritizing:

  • Strengthening cybersecurity to protect space assets, mitigate threats and maintain client trust
  • Innovating new products and services, such as LEO satellite constellations providing global broadband coverage and on-demand satellite data services
  • Increasing efficiency and scalability through AI, automation and cloud solutions
earth observation

Data strategy breadth, legacy system and talent challenges persist.

cite having a holistic data strategy for the enterprise or extending across the ecosystem
experiencing difficulties in recruiting IT talent
cite medium-to-high legacy system challenges to implementing digitization strategy


  • Data strategy improvements
    100% cite automation, data management and governance as their top planned data strategy improvements over the next three years
  • Managed services
    Selective and substantial use of managed services to rise over the next 3 years for applications (70%, +30pp) and infrastructure (78%, +11pp)
  • IT modernization
    50% report IT modernization as their top digital investment to improve customer and internal operations over the next 3 years


space satellite

say business and IT operations are well aligned to support strategy

vs. 62% in 2023

say business and IT operations are integrated to drive strategy execution

vs. 45% in 2023

cite medium-high degree of impact of business value chain reconfiguration

vs. 77% industry average


Develop mature cybersecurity and digital transformation strategies to maximize resilience and accelerate innovation.


Enable seamless data continuity across operations to improve decision-making and increase the quality and use of space-based data.


Leverage sustainability and risk management technologies to assess and mitigate risks and minimize environmental impacts.


Strengthen supply chain resilience and efficiency through data protection and key asset management.


Pursue collaborative strategies to benefit from shared value, such as stronger and alternative partnerships.

Space research



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CIO Advisory   Cybersecurity   Cloud & IT modernization    Managed IT services  Space for sustainability