Climate change drives transformation

Driven by growing pressures to play their part in saving the planet, climate change is the dominant macroeconomic trend for C-suite executives, especially for passenger and cargo sector executives. Global uncertainty, including the war in Ukraine, disrupted trade routes, climate change impacts on navigation and inland transport, and the possibility of new pandemic lockdowns, intensifies the focus on deglobalization and supply chain resilience. At the same time, technology and digital acceleration remains a board-level topic, especially in the cargo sector.

Driven by the need for sustainable development, becoming digital organizations remains the top trend, while the importance of cybersecurity rises. Customer experience emerges as the top business priority, and IT modernization rises as an IT priority.

View key findings from our conversations with transport and logistics executives in 2022 below, or download the report.

For more insights on macro trends, including social demographics, climate change, deglobalization, technology acceleration and supply chain reconfiguration, read our summary.

Top trends and priorities

Top macro trends
  1. Climate change, including the energy transition and the acceleration toward de-carbonization
  2. Technology and digital acceleration, notably rising customer and citizen digital expectations
  3. Changing social demographics, including aging populations and talent shortages
Top industry trends
  1. Becoming digital organizations
  2. Protecting through cybersecurity
  3. Driving new partnerships, technologies and business models
Top business priorities
  1. Improve the customer experience
  2. Optimize today’s operations
  3. Transform the business
Top IT priorities
  1. Drive IT modernization
  2. Digitize and automate business processes
  3. Protect through cybersecurity

say environmental sustainability is core to creating future value for customers
say they do not have a defined cybersecurity strategy
say culture change and change management is the top constraint to achieving business priorities

What digital leaders do differently

Among the 25% of transport and logistics executives who report achieving expected results from their digital strategies, some common attributes emerge. The table compares responses to questions from these digital leaders to those from executives whose organizations are still building or launching digital strategies (digital entrants).

Learn more about the attributes of digital leaders.

Common attributes of digital leaders

Digital leaders

Digital entrants

Better align IT and business priorities 72% 44%
Better integrate IT and business operations 61% 31%
Use more managed services for IT applications 68% 42%
Modernize more applications 40% 33%
Migrate more applications to the cloud 30% 13%