
Active Travel promotes healthy and sustainable travel in Wales, with the aim of making walking and cycling the preferred ways of getting around over shorter distances. The Welsh Government funds the project via grants to 22 local authorities that pay...

En af Danmarks største kapitalforvaltere valgte CGI til at implementere Microsoft Power BI og uddanne brugerne. Det strategiske blik er rettet mod en fokuseret datakultur med mere selvbetjening og mindre afhængighed af tekniske kompetencer "Det er vigtigt for os at...

Den vestjyske dørspecialist Trehøje Døre A/S valgte CGI som partner til at implementere Microsoft Dynamics sammen med CGI's unikke værktøj til avanceret produktkonfiguration, Easy Creator. Resultatet er mere omkostningseffektiv og fremtidssikker produktion - til gavn for både virksomheden og kunderne...

CGI recommended use of data visualization and geospatial technologies to increase the effectiveness of Bell’s network planning process.

HMCTS has launched a new digital service to improve the juror summoning process in England and Wales. This will transform the way citizens respond to their summons for jury service

When Shell Fleet Solutions wanted to launch an innovative and integrated next generation of their customer portal, CGI was the partner of choice.

CGI proposed an innovative remote work approach to help Kateri Hospital agilely overcome COVID-19 barriers. The approach involved a tool that facilitates remote design thinking collaboration, including brainstorming workshops and project checkpoints.

In response to the economic hardships faced by Canadian citizens and businesses because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Minister of Finance contacted the heads of Canada’s largest banks to encourage flexibility in helping customers meet their financial obligations. At the...

To support re-opening of the hospitality industry in Germany, CGI partnered with Hospitality Digital, a business unit of global wholesale and retail food specialist Metro AG, to develop a solution that enables restaurants to provide health officials with greater access...