We are proud to be a Work180 endorsed employer for all women.Ā  Our culture, policies and benefits have been vetted by Work180 to ensure that we are a workplace suited to the needs of female professionals. Work180 are confident in vouching for CGI as a trailblazing employer that supports diversity, equality and flexibility and empowers the successful careers of our female workforce.

Work180 announced a small change to their endorsed employer certification, now including the word 'all' to the endorsement.Ā The addition of the word all may sound small, but its significance is great.Ā  For many women in underrepresented groups, gender is just one of the barriers currently holding them back from entering the workforce or securing their dream role.Ā  CGI is committed to the careers of women from all backgrounds and experiences, irrespective of age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion, economic or any other status.

We are proud to be taking these small steps towards a more diverse and inclusive Australian workforce.

To find out more, visit our careers page or the Work180 portal.