Optimise your digital value chain to accelerate business outcomes

According to theĀ CGI Voice of Our ClientsĀ insights,Ā executives report that digitisation is having a high impact on their business.

Additionally, whileĀ 92%Ā say they have aĀ digitalĀ strategy in place, onlyĀ 30% are seeing results from theirĀ digitalĀ strategies, compared toĀ 25% last year.

When looking at the group ofĀ digitalĀ leaders who are seeing the best results from theirĀ digitalĀ strategies,Ā 44% say they align IT and business operations to support their strategy. Among those who are building or launching theirĀ digitalĀ strategies, only 35% say this.

DigitalĀ leaders realise results fromĀ transformationĀ and generate new opportunities through anĀ end-to-end value chain.

What do digital leaders do differently?Ā Ā 

Learn more about the attributes of digital leaders