For clients moving into new markets, transforming their organisations and taking customer service to new levels, we deliver technology innovation that works. For every industry in which our clients operate, we offer dedicated experts and apply deep cross-industry insights to maximise our clientsā€™ return on investment.

Whether implementing new systems and solutions or finding creative ways to make the most of clientsā€™ current investments, we have an established track record of developing innovative solutions that deliver value to clientsā€™ customers and citizens.

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Client-focused innovation


Our local proximity business model is based on a client-centered approach where we collaborate closely with our clients to deliver technology innovation projects. We are proudĀ to maintain a strong delivery excellence track record.Ā Within CGI, the innovation of our professionals is both measured and rewarded, which further supports our ability to bring new ideas and fresh, reusable and proven solutions to our clients.Ā 

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We understand that partnerships are essential in driving innovation for our clients. Through our partnerships with leading global providers, as well as alliances with niche market players, we offer clients the best possible technology innovation solutions backed by strong integrations and capabilities.

Learn more about our partners program.

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Insights and thought-leadership


Supported by our rich history and extensive global network, we have the unique ability to align people, processes and technology to enable true transformation and sustainable growth. Our innovation consultants and experts understand how to devise new ideas across business and technology environments at every stage of transformation - from strategy to execution.

Young creative business people meeting at office

Our Global Innovation Centres and Labs

CGI has a global network of collaborative labs andĀ innovation centers, supported and informed by clients and our emerging technology practices (ETPs).

Located near clients, these facilities enable collaborative innovation and access to global innovation capabilities, with local support, clear accountability and measurable results.

Discover our global innovation centres


Advanced Analytics

Exploit the power of data usingĀ advanced analyticsĀ to respond quickly to customer and citizen demands.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial intelligenceĀ combines our end-to-end capabilities in data science and machine learning with deep domain knowledge and technology engineering skills.

Augmented Reality (AR)

Augmented realityĀ combines digital and physical realities to drive value.


BlockchainĀ helps you unlock the value of blockchain-enabled business networks and value chains.

Cloud and hybrid IT

Cloud and hybrid ITĀ helps you modernise application portfolios and deliver new products and services at pace and scale.

Cyber security

Cyber securityĀ allows you to assess the risk, protect the business and operate with confidence.Ā 


Digital twins

Experiment in the digital world, succeed in the real world withĀ digital twin

Customer/citizen and employee experienceĀ 

We help you understand the unique aspects of your industry, market and stakeholders through insight that drives uniqueĀ experiencesĀ and ultimately business value.

Geospatial services

Geospatial servicesĀ harnessĀ location intelligence to compete in the digital age.

High performance computing

Power your digital innovation and business models withĀ high performance computing.

Intelligent automation

Improve your customer experience and operational efficiency withĀ intelligent automation.

Internet of Things (IoT)

Internet of ThingsĀ technologyĀ drives new processes and revenue streams, responds better to customer demands, increasesĀ compliance, strengthensĀ security and reducesĀ costs.


Agile Digital Services

OurĀ Agile digital servicesĀ helpĀ you transition to agile operating models that drive digital transformationĀ 

Cloud native solutions

OurĀ Cloud-nativeĀ solutions helpĀ you transform your application development capabilities, creating a cloud-based environment that speeds new product and service delivery.


DevOpsĀ is an end-to-end IT delivery approach that makes business change faster, more flexible and more reliable.

Innovation Management

Innovation managementĀ helps you implement processes in a targeted, structured and strategic manner to harness and monetise creative ideas from within the organization

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