CGI understands the demands placed on asset-intensive organisations in today’s business climate. Costs are rising, so you need to make your assets work harder. Regulation around reliability and security of services is increasing. The business is seeking integration of real-time information into other sources of corporate data.

CGI works with many of Australia’s leading asset-intensive businesses to provide Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) solutions that deliver:

  • Improved asset utilisation with real-time visibility and dynamic control over operational assets
  • Greater service reliability for consumers and better staff safety through remote operability of assets
  • Better management of network operations to reduce costs
  • Increased value of operational data through the integration of OT and IT technologies.
Female factory worker looking at computer screen - SCADA

Our Operational Technology (OT) credentials

We have proudly supported a wide range of OT clients for over 40 years. Our credentials include: 

Water Services
Public Transport

Melbourne skyline with tram in foreground

Public Transport

Our SCADA and RTU IP supports ~200 million passenger journeys per year on Melbourne’s tram network.

Our RTU IP helps enable over 17,000 passenger journeys per hour on Sydney’s new Metro


Transformer Management


Our SCADA and RTU solutions support the distribution of power to >6 million customers, through over 280,000km of cables and across 800,000 sqkm

Our RTU IP is enabling network flexibility by managing ~150MWh of grid scale battery energy storage systems


Two individuals wearing safety vests and hard hats in an industrial setting


Through our SCADA services, we support the distribution of gas to ~700,000 customers in South Eastern Australia

CGI also built and operates the gas retail market systems for NSW, ACT, WA & SA

Fuel Supply

Woman filling fuel by herself

Fuel Supply 

Our SCADA and RTU IP enables the provision of power into one of Australia’s major oil refineries, helping to provide fuel to millions of Australians.

Water treatment centre

Water Services

Our SCADA solution supports the provision of water & wastewater treatment services for ~5 million people. 

Our Australian Security Operations Centre also monitors the security of the IT and OT network.

Melbourne skyline with tram in foreground

Public Transport

Our SCADA and RTU IP supports ~200 million passenger journeys per year on Melbourne’s tram network.

Our RTU IP helps enable over 17,000 passenger journeys per hour on Sydney’s new Metro

Transformer Management


Our SCADA and RTU solutions support the distribution of power to >6 million customers, through over 280,000km of cables and across 800,000 sqkm

Our RTU IP is enabling network flexibility by managing ~150MWh of grid scale battery energy storage systems

Two individuals wearing safety vests and hard hats in an industrial setting


Through our SCADA services, we support the distribution of gas to ~700,000 customers in South Eastern Australia

CGI also built and operates the gas retail market systems for NSW, ACT, WA & SA

Woman filling fuel by herself

Fuel Supply 

Our SCADA and RTU IP enables the provision of power into one of Australia’s major oil refineries, helping to provide fuel to millions of Australians.


What we offer

CGI supplies and supports complete SCADA solutions through our own IP-based solutions designed for the Australian market and as an integrator of products from other leading SCADA vendors.

Our IP-based solutions are built upon open architectures, standard protocols and off-the-shelf third-party components to ensure long service life and easy integration with your corporate systems and networks. Where the demanding needs of our clients dictate, CGI designs and manufactures hardware to fit those specialised needs.


Our IP-based solutions include:

MOSAIC - a powerful SCADA software system that satisfies the full range of requirements for real-time data acquisition and control.

RTU – our MD range of Remote Telemetry Units (RTU) has been designed specifically to meet the demanding monitoring and control requirements of the Australian electricity market.

Substation Management System (SMS) - a robust, cost effective and full-featured system for electrical substation management.

CGI’s MOSAIC is a powerful supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system that satisfies a full range of requirements for supervisory real-time data acquisition and control. MOSAIC combines a relational database model with industry-leading history capabilities to provide a flexible, secure SCADA environment.

MOSAIC’s functionality includes the following:

  • Database Management System (DBMS)– The real-time DBMS at the heart of MOSAIC provides high levels of availability along with fast response times throughout the entire SCADA network. It has powerful query capabilities and is fully scalable and distributable.
  • Desktop –The Desktop is the graphic user interface to the underlying MOSAIC DBMS that provides users with full control of their MOSAIC system.
  • History –MOSAIC provides a market-leading history system encompassing both data (numerical data changes) and events for storage and retrieval of historical data.
  • Scalability–MOSAIC is highly scalable from hundreds to hundreds of thousands of points. Its unique infrastructure provides an incremental and inexpensive path for system expansion.
  • Telemetry– MOSAIC supports industry standard telemetry protocols and contains a “generic” telemetry driver that supports a number of text-based transfer protocols.
  • Redundancy– MOSAIC has virtually unlimited levels of redundancy, resulting in a high availability system that is cost-effective and scalable.

MOSAIC is designed for large distributed systems and can be fully integrated with other enterprise systems, including asset management, geographic information and historian systems to further leverage your investment.

Proven across the utilities and transport markets, MOSAIC manages some of the largest electricity and water networks in Australia.