In this article CGI Partner Simon Huska shares what makes CGI a special place to work and how his experiences have made him proud to work here, motivating him to share and recommend CGI to his network.

July 2024

Joining CGI has been more than starting a new job; it's been a year of professional development and personal pride. As I reflect on my first year with the company, I wanted to share what makes this place special and how my experiences have been shaped by an environment that fosters teamwork, pushes for excellence, and rewards initiative. It's these elements that not only make me proud to work here but also motivate me to share and recommend CGI to my network.


Would I recommend CGI to my network? Yes ā€“ hereā€™s whyā€¦

I'm proud to work in a team that has a very high level of skill and technical knowledge and Iā€™m honoured to have been appointed as a leader within this team, being trusted to further enrich our capabilities. Our team works to support each other and to help out across various tricky and technical tasks to support successful outcomes.Ā  This sense of teamwork and support is something I am truly proud of and is a key factor in why I promote CGI opportunities to those in my network. I want others to experience the same level of support and knowledge sharing that I have been fortunate to have. This not only benefits the individuals I refer, but also contributes to the overall success and growth of CGI as a company.


Culture of results and community

CGI strikes a unique balance between being client focused and results-driven and in maintaining an inclusive community spirit for CGI member-partners. CGI holds many employee-focused events fostering a sense of office community and inclusion, encouraging interaction across departments for increased collaboration.Ā  This culture has greatly shaped my experience in my first year at CGI: Iā€™m actively supported to work with colleagues from different teams to explore ideas.

One of CGI Australiaā€™s selling points is "trusted to do complex things well". The emphasis on achieving difficult tasks has also pushed me to grow and develop my technical and ā€˜softā€™ skills. Overall, the culture at CGI has contributed to my personal and professional growth, and I am excited to continue flourishing in this environment.


Memorable moments from the first year

The moment I am most proud of and is most memorable from my first year at CGI is being promoted to a senior role. I worked hard to support, grow, and build the team environment from the position of a Tier 1 Analyst. I applied for an internal promotion and was thrilled to be selected. The promotion not only boosted my confidence and motivation but also allowed me to take on more responsibilities and contribute to the success of the team in a more impactful way. This experience was a turning point in my career at CGI, and it has solidified my commitment to continue to strive for excellence in everything I do.


Skill set evolution in a technical landscape

My time at CGI has been a deep dive into the technical complexity of the cyber security landscape. There's been significant growth in my analytical capabilities and engineering understanding. Beyond gaining expertise in security tools, I've honed essential soft skills such as communication and collaboration, realising their importance as I navigated through various challenging projects. It's this blend of technical and interpersonal skill enhancement that has defined my learning curve.


Career progression through opportunities and networking

Within my first year at CGI, I threw my hat in the ring for a promotion to a senior role. I knew that my efforts and ability would put me in good standing and was ultimately successful. This has opened various doors and opportunities to engage in different and more complex work.Ā  I also took advantage of the many training and development programs offered by CGI, including leadership workshops and technical skills training. These opportunities have allowed me to build a strong network within the company and expand my skill set, positioning me for continued growth. Additionally, I actively sought out mentorship from senior leaders within the company, which has provided invaluable guidance and support in navigating my career path at CGI.

For anyone starting a career with CGI, my experience is that you will get out what you put in at CGI. Take advantage of the many opportunities to learn and grow within the company. Be proactive in seeking out new projects and challenges, and don't be afraid to ask for help or guidance when needed. Stay open-minded and adaptable, as the technology industry is constantly evolving and you will need to be able to keep up with the changes. Finally, build strong relationships with your colleagues and managers, they will be great champions of your success at CGI.

  • Want to hear the story of one of Simonā€™s referrals? Read Samuelā€™s story here.
  • Interested in joining CGI? Visit our careers site and explore the opportunities available.