Dear Valued Clients,

A few weeks ago, we shared a message about our commitment to provide service continuity in these challenging times. Through collaborating with you and your teams, every day we experience your tremendous resolve to meet the needs of your customers and/or citizens, employees, and communities.

Our teams around the world are privileged to work with you in response to this crisis by rapidly mobilizing resources and systems to help you support the vital workings of society, all while keeping our respective employees safe. Among many critical response activities, together with you we have enabled:

  • A rapid transition to remote working for hundreds of thousands of your employees, through increased bandwidth, remote security, and rapid rollouts of collaboration software;
  • Implementation of rapid changes to employment and economic support programs, leveraging our existing IP solutions across multiple geographies and industries;
  • Remote connections and virtual learning environments for millions of children in over 1,700 schools across Europe, as well as launching virtual education camps focused on science, technology, engineering, and math for children across North America; and
  • The development and launch of a digital recruitment and monitoring platform for the Montreal Heart Institute, allowing patients diagnosed with COVID-19 to securely register for a clinical study called COLCORONA, now expanding to countries beyond Canada. You can continue to rely on us to support your response to this evolving crisis as your agile partner to assist you in maintaining your critical services.

Addressing your business and technology priorities

We are mindful of the impacts that this crisis presents as we all move into the re-opening phases and the ā€œnew normal.ā€ As governments develop plans to carefully ease stay-at-home requirements, your organizations are planning your own next steps. While your industry and geographic footprint will shape the path and pace of how you rebound, technology will play a central role in addressing the many challenges you face ā€“ from finding capacity to meet surges in demand, to facing new business realities.

Beyond the short-term reopening, which will vary in duration and approach, structural impacts to your industries will require new business models and practices. These may take the shape of evolving ecosystems, supply chains, and workforce modifications ā€“ all requiring you to make adaptations to your pre-COVID approaches.

You have our commitment that CGI will continue to be a resilient business partner for you, with the financial strength, end-to-end capabilities and industry expertise to help address your business and technology priorities while adapting to change. Working together closely, we look forward to co-creating solutions that adapt to your evolving needs.

Respond, Rebound, and Reinvent: insights and services to help you navigate the journey ahead

We believe that all organizations will navigate the immediate crisis and the phases to come at varying paces. We refer to these phases as Respond, Rebound, and Reinvent. During all of these phases, we are ready to work with you to leverage technology to accelerate the successful delivery of your business strategies in the following ways:

  • Respond to address the immediate needs of operating during the crisis, including managing todayā€™s impacts on your operations, employees, customers, and communities;
  • Rebound to meet the tactical challenges associated with emerging from the crisis phase and addressing rapidly changing new business requirements, often at very high volume; and
  • Reinvent to reengineer operating models to enable the new ways you will interact with customers, employees, suppliers, governments, and citizens post-crisis.

Today we launch our new Respond, Rebound, Reinvent initiative to share insights and services to help you navigate the phases of the pandemic crisis. In alignment with our culture, we will inform these insights and services directly through our daily interactions with your teams as we address new challenges. We invite you to learn more at, where we will continually post perspectives and capabilities to help you and your teams, along with the stories of how we are collaborating with clients.

On behalf of our committed team around the world, we thank you for the opportunity to support you and your customers.

Warm regards,

George D. Schindler
President & Chief Executive Officer

Julie Godin
Co-Chair of the Board and Executive Vice-President,
Strategic Planning and Corporate Development