George D. Schindler, President and Chief Executive Officer

Around the world, organizations in every industry are adapting to address several key macro trends that are influencing and shaping their futures. From supply chain reconfiguration and demographic shifts to the energy transition, these macro trends are compelling organizations to create new business models at an intensifying and often relentless pace.

At CGI, we bring the expertise of our 90,250 members* to our partnerships with clients to help them implement digital strategies for navigating and succeeding in these dynamic times. Key to our clientsā€™ success is best serving their customers and citizens, ensuring that everyone can positively benefit from the empowering and innovative impacts that technology can deliver. We also are proud to employ our expertise in collaboration with clients, academia, and local charitable organizations to improve the economic, social and environmental well-being of our shared communities.

As a leading global business and IT services firm, we recognize that CGI has an important role to play in operating as a responsible and ethical company on behalf of our three stakeholders: our clients, our members, and our shareholders. Through our annual strategic planning process, we consult with each of these stakeholders, gaining important insights that help inform our business plans for the year ahead. More than ever, ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) initiatives are part of this stakeholder dialogue.

We firmly believe that what gets measured, and the related results made visible, gets done. CGI remains a signatory to the United Nations (UN) Global Compact, which includes respect for human rights around the world and respect for our planet, and we follow UN principles and global best practices in setting our ESG objectives and targets globally, and in cascading those into the plans of our business units. Our commitments, quantified targets and progress are shared transparently with all stakeholders through the publication of this ESG report for fiscal year 2022.

Our ESG goals and progress are assessed and recognized by leading external organizations such as the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI) and EcoVadis. This year, EcoVadis awarded CGI the platinum rating for Sustainability Performance, their highest rating, in recognition of our disciplined approach of integrating sustainability into our daily business practices around the world.


Over the past year, we progressed our ongoing efforts to ensure we reach our goal of achieving net-zero by 2030. We also are implementing new practices, outlined in this report, to reduce CO2e emissions related to our operations, buildings and travel. In line with our environmental strategy and energy efficiency practices, we maintained our CO2e emission intensity per member within the 2021 levels even as we welcomed more than 10,000 new members this year.

We were pleased to once again participate in the UN Climate Change Conference, known as COP27 this year. As the only IT services firm to partner with the COP27 Presidency, we engaged in active discussions about CGIā€™s sustainability services and solutions, including the metaverse, to share how technology can play a pivotal role in helping organizations operate innovatively and use data to advance climate change goals and achieve long-term stakeholder value.


With a long-standing core value focused on Respect, we have a steadfast commitment to recognizing and welcoming the richness that diversity brings to our company and to the work we deliver every day for clients. Through measurable goals, we work to continuously advance our diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) progress internally and by championing digital inclusion for all. We continue to lead educational programs that help equip the future workforce to pursue careers in IT, especially those who are underrepresented in our industry.

To accelerate our membersā€™ passion for making a difference in the communities where we live and work, we launched this year a new CGI For Good digital volunteering tool. The online platform provides access to wide a range of in-person and remote volunteering and pro bono activities with local organizations where we can collectively help generate societal value.


In our daily operations around the world, we are guided by a unifying CGI Management Foundation which specifies rigorous corporate governance standards and frameworks to guide our business practices and stakeholder relationships ā€” all in line with the highest ethical principles.

We are committed to deploying our digital services and solutions responsibly and to adhering to best-practice privacy and data protection standards. This includes accelerating how we assess the ESG commitments of our key suppliers, including the full respect for human rights in our supply chain and in our operations around the world.

As you will read throughout this report, 2022 was a year of positive growth for the benefit of each of our stakeholders, and a year where we continued to accelerate progress on our ESG commitments for the betterment of our communities.

I would like to thank our clients and members for their engagement in helping CGI contribute to building a more sustainable and inclusive world.

George D. Schindler
President and Chief Executive Officer

*We call our professionals members as a majority of them are also owners of CGI.

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