Organisations face ongoing attempts by malicious individuals and organisations to gain unauthorised access to facilities, systems and data. It is vital that the right people have access to the right information over a trusted infrastructure with processes that are easy and efficient to manage, scale and grow.

Cyber security is part of everything we do and we have spent over 40 years creating secure solutions for our public sector and commercial clients. CGI has designed solutions for some of the world’s toughest security systems.
We believe building security into systems at the earliest concept and design phases is the only effective way to secure complex, integrated and inter-connected solutions that organisations rely on to operate and grow.
Protect the business


  • Secure designs which include the appropriate level of security controls and crypto management
  • Testing for vulnerabilities and providing certifications for products and services
  • Quantifying your controls and justifying the investment


  • Secure systems engineering - security architecting and design of large, complex, integrated, multi-level secure systems
  • Test and evaluation - penetration testing, product evaluations and testing
  • Securing next generation technologies - internet of things (IoT), mobile and cloud