The purpose of this website privacy notice is to inform you about our practices in connection with the collection, use, and disclosure of the personal data automatically collected or provided to us.

  • This Policy applies to and any authorized sub-sites that expressly adopt, display or link back to this Policy.Ā Ā 
  • For US residents, see US Rights and Notices.

Collection and use of personal information

We may collect personal data that you voluntarily provide to us when:

  • You request information about our services;
  • You submit questions to us;
  • You subscribe to our services; and
  • You choose to submit your resume in relation to career opportunities posted on our Website.

The personal data provided by you may be used to communicate with you in connection with your various inquiries and subscriptions or to consider you for employment purposes and will be kept for the time period in which it is necessary for the purpose it was collected.

As you interact with our website, we automatically collect technical data about your device. This data includes, but not limited to, the date and time you accessed our website, the domain requested, your IP address, your browser type, and diagnostic data in the event an error occurs. We do not use this data to identify you as an individual.

Disclosure of personal data

Your personal data may be shared outside of the country where you are located, with relevant CGI affiliates in charge of dealing with your inquiries, subscriptions or applications. The list of CGI affiliates and country of location is available from

Where such transfers take place, CGI has implemented internal privacy policies and processes that ensure a high level of protection of your personal information across CGI affiliates, irrespective of where the personal information originates or is processed.

We may also share data provided by you with service providers that we retain to perform services on our behalf, such as third-party content providers that facilitate event registrations, support displaying CGI videos, and enable sharing of CGI content in social media. We may also allow third party services like Akamai to use data transmitted by your device, in particular, IP address, for purely security, technical and functional purposes. The third parties we use include AddToAny (which provides sharing buttons service for our website), Akamai (which uses IP addresses to improve website security against distributed denial-of-service attacks), and Cloudflare (which provides content delivery network services and helps to prevent online abuse). These providers are contractually limited from using or disclosing the data except as is necessary to provide services to us or to comply with legal requirements. Neither we nor these third parties use personal data shared with them for profiling or cross-site monitoring.

In addition, we may share personal information at your discretion, such as when you enroll in a webinar or pay for a service. Furthermore, we may disclose data about you where we are required or permitted by law to do so.

Our use of Google Analytics

If you have accepted statistics cookies, our websites use Google Analytics 4 (ā€œGA4ā€)ā€”a service that enables us to: (a) measure traffic and engagement across our websites; (b) reduce redundant or outdated content and facilitate accessibility to our websites; and (c) meet evolving needs and expectations of our websitesā€™ users. GA4 collects event-based data from usersā€™ interaction with our websites. This data typically includes internal search queries, start of session, page views, bounce rate, and interaction with videos.

GA4 may also collect technical information about your browser and device (e.g., screen resolution and language setting), information retrieved from cookies set on your device and coarse geo-location data derived from IP addresses that are anonymized as soon as technically feasible. For EU-based traffic, IP-address data is used solely for geo-location data derivation before being immediately discarded. It is not logged, accessible, or used for any additional purposes.

Data collected through GA4 may be transferred to Googleā€™s servers in the United States. Any cross-border transfers of data from the EEA to the United States are covered under the EU-US Data Privacy Framework, to which Google has self-certified. Data collected through GA4 are automatically deleted after 14 months. The deletion of data whose retention period has been reached occurs automatically once a month. Before data deletion, we may generate from aggregated data reporting results that are stored separately from user data.

As we respect your privacy, data collected through GA4 is not used to profile or identify you as an individual. We have also entered into a data processing agreement with Google, so that any personal data collected through GA4 is processed in accordance with our instructions only. We have implemented additional privacy controls available in GA4, including disabling Google Signal (a feature of GA4 that allows cross-device reporting and remarketing), opting out of data sharing with Google (such that Google does not have access to our GA4 data), and ensuring that GA4 does not track users who have declined or opted out of statistics cookies.

Our legal basis for the use of GA4 is your consent pursuant to Art. 6(1)(a) GDPR. You may revoke your consent at any time without giving reasons by rejecting or disabling statistics cookies in our cookie management center. You may also prevent GA4 from collecting regarding your visit to, or interaction with, our websites any data (including IP address) by downloading the Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on. Any processing up to the time of the revocation remains unaffected. For more information about the handling of user data by Google Analytics, please consult Googleā€™s Data Privacy Declaration.

Integration of YouTube videos on our websites

We have integrated YouTube-hosted videos on our website. YouTube is operated by Google LLC, a company operating under the laws of Delaware, located at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043. For privacy and data protection reasons, we have bypassed the need to load video resources directly from YouTubeā€™s server and implemented a solution that prevents Google/YouTube from automatically collecting your data or setting cookies on your device before you have actually clicked on a video. In other words, until you have expressed your consent to Google/YouTube processing your information and using cookies by playing a video, our solution ensures that no connection is automatically established to, and no cookie is served from, YouTube servers when you merely visit a page on our website containing a YouTube video. You may withdraw your consent by clearing your browser session and deleting Google/YouTube cookies from your browser.

If you are a user located in the European Economic Area (ā€œEEAā€), your data will be transferred to Google/YouTubeā€™s servers in the United States. Google is registered under the EU-US Data Privacy Framework, which provide Google with reliable mechanisms for personal data transfers to the United States from the Europe.

Google/YouTube may collect unique identifiers tied to your browser, application, or device when you watched a video on our website without being signed into your Google/YouTube account: if you are signed in, Google/YouTube may also collect data that they combine with other information in your account. Please refer to Google/YouTube privacy notice.

You can check and update how your data is processing in the Google Activity Controls. You can use the Google Dashboard to check and manage certain types of information linked to your Google account. You can view and edit your advertisement preferences in the Google advertisement personalization settings. You can find information about this and other settings and options (with related links) on theĀ Google Privacy & Terms page.

Our security measures to protect personal data

We maintain reasonable physical, technical and administrative safeguards to help protect against the unauthorized access, use and disclosure of personal data you voluntarily provide to us.

It should be noted that we cannot be held responsible for any personal data you share or post on public spaces, such as our blogs. Such public spaces may be consulted or viewed by anyone visiting our Website and, as such, falls outside the scope of this Policy.

Access, review and correction

You have the right to access your personal data. For legitimate purposes, you can rectify or oppose to the processing of your personal data. You also are entitled to ask to receive your personal data in a structured and standard format. In case of any such request or complaint, please send an email to or write to CGI's Chief Privacy Officer at CarrƩ Michelet, 10-12 Cours Michelet, 92800 Puteaux, France.

To the extent permitted by applicable law, where CGI would not address properly your request, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent data protection authority.

Links to non-CGI websites and third-party applications

This Website may contain links to third-party websites and third-party applications that are not affiliated with CGI (such as YouTube and Vimeo for videos, Google for Maps, ShareThis for social sharing, Twitter and Facebook feeds, Digicast for webcasts, and more). CGI does not in any way endorse or make any representations about such third-party websites and applications. As such, CGI is not responsible for the privacy practices or content of such third-party websites and applications that are subject to their own privacy policies. If you choose to access such links, we encourage you to review all third-party site privacy policies before submitting any of your data.