The pandemic has fundamentally changed the way we live, interact and work. In the coming months and years, technology will be core to how you reinvent your business to create value for your customers and citizens. It will also be key to meet their digital-first expectations that have deepened during the crisis.

Reinvent encapsulates the services and insights we provide our clients to help them adapt to evolving ecosystems, workforce challenges and supply chains. Together, we help clients seize new opportunities and embed the right plans and technologies to pivot to meet customersā€™ and citizensā€™ needs faster, more efficiently, and at scale.

Digital leaders are looking to reinvent and reengineer their business models and cost structures quickly to support fundamental longer-terms changes.

The 2021 CGI Voice of Our Clients presents the findings from our one-on-one interviews with nearly 1,700 executives across the industries and geographies we serve. These strategic conversations provide a unique view into how business and IT priorities evolved rapidly due to the pandemic.

Progress in producing results from digitization strategies is accelerating

Executives indicate accelerated progress with producing results from digitization strategies, with 20% achieving such results in 2021, compared to 16% in 2020.

In examining the insights from the 20% who are the digital leaders, some common attributes emerge. For example, digital leaders collaborate and innovate more and achieve closer alignment between business and IT. They use more agile IT, modern apps and cloud solutions. Theyā€™re also more aware of the drivers for cybersecurity, privacy and sustainability.


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Addressing the immediate needs of operating during the crisis

This phase includes helping you with the urgent work required to mobilize resources and systems to respond to the crisis and continue to support the vital workings of society.





Meeting the tactical challenges associated with emerging from the crisis

To address rapidly changing business requirements, this phase encompasses activities required to reopen the economy and society, from finding capacity to meet surges in demand, to facing new business realities.




Reengineering operating models to enable newĀ ways of interaction

This phase encompasses moving beyond the short-term reopening and addressing the structural impacts to your industries with new business models and practices.
