Evolution of the smartest

About Energias de Portugal (EDP) Distribution

EDP is a holding company for utilities that generate, transmit, and distribute electricity. They rank among Europeā€™s major electricity operators and serve nearly 12 million customers in Portugal, Spain and Brazil

The challenge
EDP saw the need to increase intelligence, supervision and control of the network. They wanted greater efficiency and quality of supply, and to allow for distributed generation and electrical vehicles. They branded this effort InovGrid and sought to introduce AMI improvements to their network management capability.

The answer
In consortium with two other technology providers, we provided a three-level infrastructure for EDP Distribution:

  • New AMI platform with Supervision/Control Room component using CGI Sm@rtering solution.
  • Ditribution Transformer Controller at secondary substation
  • Energy Boxes (metering devices) on clients premises

What CGI delivered
The new AMI platform, using our Sm@rtering solution

  • Collect and storage of all meter readings
  • Services Platform, integrated with EDP technical and commercial systems
  • Event and Incident Management for the new infrastructure monitoring
  • Support for network management functionalities

Adaptation of the existing corporate systems and processses to manage and benefit from the new information.

Why work with CGI
Our industry knowledge, technical excellence and global delivery expertise ensure we have an excellent track record in the industry. We are known for our depth of understanding of the markets in which we operate. By building on the extensive experience and practical knowledge of our consultants, we are consistently at the forefront of innovation in the utilities industry.

Contact us for more information