Artificial intelligence


Diane Gutiw
Diane Gutiw

Embracing responsible AI in the move from automation to creation

2024-02-16 As a data scientist and AI practitioner, I am excited to see so many positive AI use cases happening and being leveraged to bring quick information and insights to experts and business people – the potential of the rapidly evolving...

Lucille Bonenfant
Lucille Bonenfant

Three ways to stay on top of evolving AI and data privacy rules

2024-02-16 Every January 28, organizations around the world celebrate Data Privacy Day (also known as Data Protection Day). Data Privacy Day commemorates the first international treaty governing data privacy, signed on January 28, 1981.

Cheryl Allebrand
Cheryl Allebrand

Is the future of contact centers bot or human?

2024-02-16 Human-like responses from OpenAI’s ChatGPT and other generative AI large language models (LLMs) have employees and politicians concerned about impending waves of job losses. Meanwhile, contact centers have trouble recruiting and retaining enough agents to keep up with rising consumer...

Frederic Miskawi
Frederic Miskawi

The future of artificial intelligence is a multi-model ecosystem

2023-09-05 Large language models like OpenAI's ChatGPT, Google's Bard, Anthropic Claude, and Meta's LLaMA generate excitement for their potential to support many artificial intelligence (AI) use cases. However, the most effective and innovative future AI systems will likely combine these versatile...

Jens Christian Volhøj

Kan kunstig intelligens løse dine cybersikkerhedsproblemer?

2018-10-26 Den hastige udvikling inden for Artificial Intelligence og Machine Learning har skabt et enormt potentiale for it-sikkerhedsbranchen. Med cloud-baseret analyse af hele Big Data-økosystemet kan vi løfte cybersikkerheden op på et helt nyt, mere effektivt og mere produktivt niveau. Vi...