Gjorgji moved to Sweden from North Macedonia and is currently working at CGI as an SAP consultant. In this interview he will be sharing with us how it has been adjusting to the Swedish culture and how CGI has assisted him in this process.  

Tell us a bit about yourself

”I come from North Macedonia. I started my career in the Automotive Industry as an in-house SAP Consultant for Logistics and I have been working at CGI for almost 6 months as an SAP Consultant.”

What do you enjoy most in your work and CGI?

”What I really like about CGI is the opportunity to work in different areas, industries and projects with colleagues from all over Sweden and even internationally! I also appreciate that I get to work on challenging projects as well as learn and improve my competence in the areas I thrive.”

How has it been adjusting to the Swedish culture?

”I don’t find it so difficult to integrate myself in the Swedish culture but it’s still a journey and learning Swedish is one of my top priorities.”

How have CGI assisted you in this adjustment?

”CGI has supported me in integrating myself better in the Swedish society and Swedish work culture. I am attending an EF – Education First Swedish language course and with our colleagues we have dedicated lunch breaks, “Svensk-lunch”, where we try to speak Swedish and our Swedish-speaking colleagues help us and correct our pronunciation. Now that the Corona-restrictions has lifted, I will try to be in the office as often as possible. I believe that through socialization with colleagues me as well as other expats, will learn many things about the Swedish traditions and how institutions in Sweden work.”

You mentioned Swedish courses, tell us more

”The course is 15 weeks long, once per week for 2 hours and we are using digital platforms. Our teacher explains words and phrases in a creative way. I believe that physical interaction would be more effective in learning any language, but due to the circumstances with corona, we are doing our best.”

And lastly, what is your favorite Swedish word?

”My favorite word is “kanelbulle”, both favorite word and favorite confectionery for fika.”

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