Naveen Kannur

Naveen Kannuri

Enterprise Business Technologist

Most enterprises are going through some type of digital transformation, to increase their competitiveness or to offer new products and services. It does not matter how ambitious or well-planned the initiatives are. Sooner or later, you might get into potential roadblocks. It can either be issues rooted on the organizational side, a lack of change management for example, or technical with legacy systems that are difficult to change or infrastructure that do not scale, solutions that are expensive to host and manage, lack of skills availability within the organization.

There are a number of ways CGI can help, but let’s focus on one area – an important one! Regardless of if you want to increase your speed to market, bring down cost, increase your ability to innovate or just need to modernize your existing applications, it will, at some point, make sense to go to containers for your applications, workloads and development. This also brings your applications and workloads to become cloud-ready or even cloud-native.

Efficiently manage new and existing application

Container solutions and orchestration tools have taken the IT world by storm and no IT professionals can totally avoid it. Containers are a form of operating system virtualization. A single container might be used to run anything from a small microservice or software process to a larger application. With containers, you have a technology that enables DevSecOps, microservices and hybrid cloud, as well as efficiently manage application modernization and cloud adoption. Container adoption is the new normal for every enterprise in their IT environment.

To help address this CGI has developed CGI Container platform as a service (CPaaS). It is an enterprise ready comprehensive managed platform solution, delivered with a standard service model offering, which helps software developers, IT departments and application owners to transform and modernize workloads to aligning them with both the IT strategy and meet business goals, without worrying about setting up and managing the platform.

If you need to modernize your environments, we can also help end to end by providing services throughout the journey, right from advisory, assessment, architecture, build, hosting and managed services.

All you need in containers

CPaaS is a dedicated platform that contains fully managed container hosting services, container orchestration and automation of workflows. Management of licenses and hardware is included, and the platform has 24x7 support.

It allows software developers and IT departments to build, develop, migrate, organize, run, scale, and manage applications or workloads by using container-based virtualization. Additionally, it enables managing the full lifecycle of services for modernizing and adopting new ways of building applications or workloads.

The platform can be hosted anywhere, on-prem, or in a hybrid cloud environment. CGI enables a catalogue of container platform solutions to help customers pick their choice matching their interest and IT strategy. CGI offers Google Anthos, Red Hat OpenShift, VMware Tanzu and open-source Kubernetes.

Already started on containers

If your organization has already developed your own containers, and have a lot of competence internally, you can still combine it with the CGI CPaaS, to reduce cost and save time relating to hosting and managed services. CGI can provide managed support, application development, application management and other services required for modernization along with container specific and services associated with the containers eco system.

At CGI we can also add automation developers, AM support specialists or developer resources with skillsets that enables them to be part of your DevSecOps team. We have container specialists, platform specialists , agile coaches, to further enhance your container adoption capabilities.

If you have doubts about which of your applications that you are able to modernize or containerize, CGI can run a workshop to sort this out. So that you can get the best possible outcome of your IT projects.

When you build and operate applications and development in a containerized fashion, it will help bring new ideas to the market faster while also delivering robust scalability, health monitoring and dynamic provisioning for your operations. Let’s go containers!

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